
lazy sunday


This was the view from the booth where Kassie and I sat for a couple hours at Pride. The booth was for our church, University Baptist, and Judson Memorial Baptist, another progressive Baptist church in Mpls.


Satan Jeff, Steve. Steve, Jeff.

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body and sold

Kassie and I went to UBC last night to see Body and Sold, a play based on the stories of young people who got involved in sex trafficking. As you might expect, it was quite emotionally draining.

I really enjoyed it. I was somewhat surprised that I did.

I have never seen Schindler's List. I've never been able to work myself into the mindset required to watch thirteen hours (or whatever) of Holocaust. I went to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. That was an emotional drain. To voluntarily enter into a thing that I know will be depressing is tough. At least the sun was shining yesterday.

Similarly, I often get into things without really thinking about the possible discomfort it might entail until I'm well on my way to the event. For instance, our church has a thing called Dinners for Eight. Someone hosts a total of eight people at their home for dinner. I think it sounds like fun at church when we sign up. I enjoy helping to put something together to bring (although my actual contribution is usually, "Yeah, that sounds good."). Then, as we get out of the car, I start to dread it. What if no one talks? What if everyone's boring, including me?

It's the same with route training at work. It sounds like a nice break when Joel asks me if I want to do some. Then, on the way to work that day, I start to think, "What if I'm training someone with whom I've had a conflict? What if it's someone who is difficult to talk to?"

I've never actually had problems with Dinners for Eight or training. But I have had some pretty painful experiences with amateur theater. There was this one time at the Ankeny Community Theater...

I got home from work late, got dressed and we left. As we arrived, I realized that I was not necessarily in the proper mood to watch a depressing play. I started to get the "what have I gotten myself into" dread. But I was more than pleasantly surprised by the quality of the production last night. I'm no theater critic. I know very little about it; I just know what I like and don't like. None of the actors annoyed me. In fact, I think they were all really good. The pace never dragged and I was especially thankful for that, given the gravity of the topic. And the play itself was interesting and well-written. Plus, the f-bomb at church!

But unfortunately, afterward we were exhausted and missed 2165's birthday party.

The play is showing again tonight if you have nothing to do. I've got Modest Mouse to do.

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As I've mentioned, Kassie and I go to University Baptist Church. We really like it. One of the church's traditions is a Palm Sunday brunch. I've gone to three of them. The food is delicious and it's a nice way to get to know people I haven't talked to very much.

Kassie and I stopped at a Mexican bakery (featured in the background here) to pick up our contribution: Mexican breads and pastries. Tasty and easy.

The brunch went well. We sat with some people we didn't know very well. One of the women at the table is directing a play that I'd like to see. One of the other people at our table was a pretty quiet guy who we'd never met, but seemed to be a nice guy. He sat on our side of the table with his girlfriend (I assume) between us, so Kassie and I didn't get to speak with him too much.

After brunch, we processed outside, then back in to the sanctuary for the service. Kassie and I sat in the very last pew. A few of the young adults sat behind us in chairs along the back wall.

About ten minutes into the service, something dawned on me.

Did I need to share it with Kassie? No. Should I have shared it with Kassie? In retrospect, no. Did I share it with Kassie? Naturally.

The quiet guy bore a strong resemblance to Sideshow Bob.

OK, he didn't have huge feet, a pot belly or a big knife, but the resemblance was there.

Kassie started to laugh. I really didn't think it was that funny. But now we were giggling and really trying to stifle it because...

We had reached the "Joys and Concerns" part of the service, where people stand up and share the good and the bad things that have happened to them and their loved ones.

And it was not a good week for UBCers. Someone knew someone who got hit by a car. Was there something about someone who died?

I don't know because I was concentrating on getting myself together. Kassie left. I got myself under control. When she came back, someone in the choir loft, directly above and behind us, was sharing something about cancer. So half the congregation was facing the back and I started laughing again. We were sitting there shaking with laughter. Kassie left again. I was crying and my nose was running. The kids behind us were laughing by now. I had to get out. Of the building. I let out a huge snort before I got out of the sanctuary. I got outside and it all came out. Of course, I almost heaved steve. Kassie and I stood outside laughing and feeling like idiots. One of the ushers poked his head out to see if we were OK.

We knew we couldn't go back in. Kassie had to retrieve her jacket, but there was no way I was going to go back in. So we left early. Bad.

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