

I went to Wausau for my grandma's 94th birthday celebration. I missed the party, because it was on Friday, but I caught the rest of the fun.



just a bit more about my grandfather

The Wausau Daily Herald wrote some nice things about Grandpa.

We're headed to Wausau for the funeral on Friday.



Franklin M. Gering 1913-2009

My grandfather has been ill. In late April, when he first went to the hospital, we didn't think he would make it through the weekend. His kidneys were failing and he suffered from congestive heart failure. But he hung in there. My brother and I visited him and said goodbye. He hung in there some more. This weekend he took a turn for the worse. I was on the phone with my mom a little while ago and she had just told me that his kidneys failed when she got another call. It was the lady from hospice calling to tell her that Grandpa died. He was a dynamic man of faith who lived an interesting and fruitful life. He was completely ready to go and comfortable with death. I'll miss him.




Dots connected and colored in by my nephew. Caption corrected by my brother. Enjoy.



last weekend

Kassie and I went to Sioux Falls last weekend to visit my brother Corey, his wife Tara, and their kids, Cayden and Kyah. We got there Friday afternoon, so we had a little time to kill before everyone got home from work and daycare. We made a stop at Falls Park, to see the falls of the Big Sioux River. The city has put a lot of work into that park since I lived there. It was really beautiful.


the view from the observation tower, Kassie and Jeff- lower left

We had a really nice weekend. Corey threw some burgers on the grill for lunch Saturday afternoon. MinusCar Mike and his family joined us, as did KT. Corey, Tara, Kassie and I went out for sushi Saturday night at a place called Sushi Masa. It was really good, and relatively cheap!

After Corey and Tara got called out of church by the nursery and took Cayden to see a doctor, Kassie and I ducked out to go look around Sioux Falls.

After lunch, we all went into the back yard to play. We hoped to make sure Jeff was tired for the car ride home. He was already tired, but he wasn't too tired to completely level Cayden and give him a bloody nose! That was scary for a second, considering Jeff outweighs Cayden by about 2.5 to 1. Thankfully, Cayden is tough and made friends with Jeff before we left.

Jeff enjoyed the jungle gym.

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LaQuinta Inn

I took a quick trip to Wausau (WI) Friday night.

My grandfather and three other people in the retirement village where he lives were celebrating their birthdays. He will be 95 next week.

When I complimented him on it, he asked me if I wanted his excellent Pendleton jacket.
Of course I do, but it wouldn't fit me.

Somewhat surprisingly, it was really fun. In addition to my grandparents, I got to see a bunch of my mom's cousins and aunts who I've known since I was little, but only see every few years. I didn't really talk with them very much, but it's still nice to make that connection. Anyway, here's a photo of the scene outside the cafeteria...



random things

I ran into a woman at the dog park who went to school with my brother. They may have attended elementary through high school together. I'm not sure. As usual, I would have probably seemed a lot less creepy if I'd just not said anything. But what fun is that? I remember people and I like to say hello.

Then I ran into Ranty and her husband at Tracy's tonight. We've never met in real life, but I think it was OK that I recognized them and said hello. Wyatt, T-Unit, Teresa and I were there for pub trivia. The Shock Monkeys (Trivia Division) got destroyed again.

I have a class of three who will take their CDL tests tomorrow. Here's one of them practicing the straight back. In three tries, I've been unable to do it. Bad instructor!

I went to Kowalski's for some groceries this evening and noticed an interesting sign. I took this picture from the next aisle over because a woman was working in that aisle. Perhaps she was stocking cat liter!

Kassie and I went to lovely Wausau, Wisconsin last weekend to celebrate my grandparents' 70th wedding anniversary. Yeah, you read that right. They've been married a long time.

We saw a polka band in the middle of downtown.

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congratulations, Pete and Carys!

Kassie's brother Pete married Carys yesterday.

The wedding and reception were held at the Wirth Park Pavilion. It was very simple and really nice.

The after wedding party was in a salon above the 331 Club. As far as I could tell, a good time was had by all. Especially Kassie's cousin Cam.

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more than meets the eye

My mom got a new knee yesterday. I haven't spoken with her yet, but my dad said the surgery went well.

I can't be 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure her new knee looks like this:



a few pics from the last week

Kyah and Cayden, my niece and nephew.

I thought it was a good idea to pitch with one hand and try to get a photo with the other. This was right before the ball hit Cayden on the forehead.

Jeff, Sammy. Sammy, Jeff.

Kassie said she sees this all the time, so she didn't find it nearly as funny as I did.

Banjo, tail end of the dump. I believe the next move is: consume what has been dumped.

Andy, Ben. Ben, Andy.

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everybody's monday off

Monday is my usual day off. Memorial Day can be one of those days when I get a little cranky because a lot of people have it off and I can't just get things done.

But today Kassie and I got stuff done. Kassie spent the last couple of days ripping out the grass on the front slope of our yard. Plants and shrubbery went in today. I think the idea is not to mow it any more.

Then we went to my parents' house for dinner. The South Dakotans are still in town.

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